Book Review: Five by Ursula Archer

Title to be reviewed: Five
Author: Ursula Archer
Date Read: January 7 2015
Rating: 5 Stars
I'm not sure I've ever read a book that was the English adaptation of book originally written in another language and loved it this much. Usually translations leave a lot to be desired or you end up with a bunch of slang that just doesn't make the transition from original language to translation very well.

This book was different. I'm not a big mystery fan but this book drew me in from the very beginning. Maybe I identified with Beatrice or maybe I just needed a change of pace from my normal reads. This book was very well written, the translation flowed without too many hiccups (there were a few), and it was interesting to see a story set in a country I'm mostly unfamiliar with, which was Austria. I liked the interesting story line and the use of geocaching as a part of the plot. I did guess the killer before the end but I didn't see the end coming and so the author did a very good job.

I am curious to know if there are other books coming and if Beatrice & Florin's relationship progresses beyond the awkward stage it's at when the book concludes.

I will definitely be adding Ms Archer's books to my to-read list again in the future.

- Carrie-


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